28 MARCH 2023
TwinBrain Newsletter
• Intro from the Principal Investigator
• TwinBrain Workshop 3.0: Trieste, Italy
• TwinBrain Summer School 3.0: Piran, Slovenia
• TwinBrain Clinical trial – an update, Trieste, Italy
• TwinBrain scientific publications from 2022
• About the TwinBrain project
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30 DECEMBER 2022
TwinBrain Newsletter
• Intro from the Principal Investigator
• TwinBrain short documentary
• TwinBrain Workshop 2.0: Koper, Slovenia
• TwinBrain Summer School 2.0: Piran, Slovenia
• TwinBrain Round table 1.0: Koper, Slovenia
• TwinBrain Clinical trial, Trieste, Italy
• MoBI/TwinBrain additional workshop in San Diego, USA
• TwinBrain podcasts
• TwinBrain scientific publications from 2022
• About the TwinBrain project
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14 JULY 2022
Radio Podcast: Parkinson’s disease and Neuroscience of movement
Principal investigator of the TwinBrain project, assoc. prof. dr. Uroš Marušič, from the Institute for Kinesiology Research (Science and research centre Koper), shared some encouraging news about the achievements of Slovenian research in this field in a conversation with Mojca Delač. What does riding a bike have to do with it? And why is walking also important in identifying Alzheimer’s disease? A new episode captured the answers!
Link to the interview (the radio recording is in Slovenian): https://www.rtvslo.si/rtv365/arhiv/174885547?s=radio
30 DECEMBER 2021
TwinBrain Newsletter
- Intro from the Principal Investigator TwinBrain Workshop 1.0: Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI), Berlin, Germany
- TwinBrain Summer School on Motion Neuroscience, Piran
- Slovenia Establishment of the SloMoBIL laboratory in Koper, Slovenia
- Discussing the crossroads of science, Trieste, Italy
- About the TwinBrain project
Download the TwinBrain Newsletter
13 MAY 2021
Radio Podcast: Exercise and the brain
That exercise is good for our body and brain is probably no longer questioned or doubted, but less is known about the mechanisms behind regular physical activity that contribute to better physical and mental well-being. Mojca Delač talked about the latest research, findings and work with Assoc. prof. dr. Uroš Marušič from the Institute for Kinesiology Research (ZRS Koper).
Link to the interview (the radio recording is in Slovenian): https://radioprvi.rtvslo.si/2021/04/mozgani-na-dlani-nevron-pred-mikrofon-220/
11 MARCH 2021
Presentation of the TwinBrain project on RTV Slovenia
Dr. Uroš Marušič (TwinBrain Principal Investigator) presented activities of the TwinBrain project at the national TV on 24 February 2021 (online 11 March 2021).
Link to the interview: https://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/s-prehodi/174760067
4 November 2020
Journal Primorske novice: TWINning the BRAIN with machine learning for neuro-muscular efficiency
Activities of the TwinBrain project presented in the local journal Primorske novice (4th November 2020):